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two boys and a girl at summer baseball camp
DALL-E Prompt: two boys and a girl at summer baseball camp
Artificial Intelligence (AI) is making its way into our nation’s favorite pastime and one need look no further than the Automated Ball-Strike System which is being considered as a replacement for umpires calling balls and strikes. Another simple implementation worth considering would be for a coach to upload batting statistics to an AI and ask it to produce the most effective batting order.
Now I’m not saying I’m necessarily excited about what AI may do to the game as human emotion and decision-making are a large part of what makes the sport fun, but it’s definitely a tool that should be considered depending on the application.
To continue sharing the value of our BASE by Pros Summer Camps, I wanted to offer a little bit about why kids benefit from attending summer baseball camps in the first place. With all the buzz around AI, I decided to start there and see if I couldn’t save a little time in my research process. AI didn’t disappoint. (Actually, the photos I grabbed to illustrate the story were a little disappointing, but they do offer some good laughs!)
I headed over to and put ChatGPT to work with this simple prompt:  “Explain why youth baseball players should attend a summer baseball camp”.
Like a Jamie Moyer pitch, it hung there…for eternity.  I finally gave up and went into my windup again delivering this pitch: “Write a story about why youth baseball players should attend a summer baseball camp.”  ChatGPT loaded, planted, and swung for the fence delivering, well, more of a children’s story than a college thesis, but it delivered a home run none the less. The story provides three key messages about summer baseball camps told through the experiences of Lucas, Timmy, and Emma. They’re pretty much spot on pointing out things such as skill development, competition, and friendships – all great excuses to sign up for summer camp! 
Check out the story below and, if you want to sign your child up for one of our BASE by Pros camps, simply select your location from the buttons below. We hope to see your child this summer!
two boys and a girl playing baseball at summer baseball camp wearing blue shirts that say "BASE by Pros"
DALL-E Prompt: two boys and a girl playing baseball at summer baseball camp wearing blue shirts that say "BASE by Pros"
Girls and boys playing baseball at summer baseball camp wearing blue shirts that display a "BASE by Pros" logo
NightCafe Prompt: Girls and boys playing baseball at summer baseball camp wearing blue shirts that display a "BASE by Pros" logo