Just $39.95/mo. for unlimited sessions!
NOTE: Due to cage availability while winter team training is underway, this program is only available for booking weekdays from 3-4pm.
Looking to book regular cage time throughout the month? Look no further! Stop in once. Stop in 20 times. Same price! Less than the cost of Cracker Jacks at a ballgame (well, it is if you come multiple times).
If the pitching machine is available, it’s all yours. Otherwise, you’ll need to supply your own pitcher. Mom? Dad? Gramps? Grams? Or partner up with a buddy and come regularly together. Keep that swing dialed in all summer long!
Space is limited so we ask that you please refrain from booking more than one session at a time to make sure everyone has an equal opportunity.
STEP 1: Purchase the monthly program.
STEP 2: Reserve your cage time.
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