Lil' Sluggers

MVCYB Winter Training (2021)

Mount Vernon Conway Youth Baseball and BASE by Pros are proud to present our winter training academy to get your ballplayer ready for the season. Instead of all-skills training we will offer specific training to help your ballplayer improve where they want!

Inside each academy athletes will learn to develop specific movements and skills to be successful on the field in 2021. 

This will be located at the MVCYB facility in Mt. Vernon and will follow protocols that limit the amount of athletes in the facility at a time, plus normal COVID protocol (see our Distancing Guidelines).

Days will be added as registration grows, so keep your eye on new times and days available!

(Updated 3/3/21)

5PM Infield Academy
6PM Hitting Academy
7PM Pitching Academy

3PM – Infield Academy
4PM – Hitting Academy
5PM – Pitching Academy


$20 for single session

$60 for four sessions


Follow these steps to register online (or simply call us at 425-200-4448): 

  1. Under FIND AN APPOINTMENT below, select your appointment type in the drop down (Hitting, Infield, or Pitching).
  2. Leave the next field as ALL INSTRUCTORS.
  3. Select DATE and click Search.
  4. Choose time available for Academy.
  5. Follow prompts to sign up.

Can you attend multiple sessions in the same day?
YES! This was the plan, to encourage athletes to pick back-to-back sessions that they wanted to participate in. Just go through the exact same process to sign up!

We look forward to getting your athlete ready for an amazing 2021 season!